Locking your windows is not something many of us think about. However, this can be an easy route for burglars to take as it is often unguarded and not thought of during the construction and design stages of a home. This is why it is wise to invest in a heavy duty window lock to keep you and your belongings safe.
Amalgamated Locksmiths has a wide variety of window locks suitable for a variety of applications. Brands include the Whitco and Securicraft range. They suit most window types and styles, comply with insurance requirements and can be keyed alike so you only need one key to open them all.
We have window locks in Brisbane for all kinds of windows, including keyed window locks for sliding aluminium windows, thru flyscreen keyed window locks and keyed window locks for metal and timber framed windows.
The keyed window lock for sliding aluminium doors allows the window to be locked when the window is fully closed or partly open for ventilation. The window lock for flyscreens is simple to install on any timber awning window. The window lock for metal or timber framed windows features a key operated lock suitable for many applications including sliding doors and cupboards. All window locks come with one way screws as a thief deterrent for added protection.
The experience and friendly service at Amalgamated Locksmiths will make installing a window lock onto your home simple and cost efficient.
If you are looking for window locks in Brisbane, consider contacting us via our online form or by calling (07) 3253 7872.
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